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  2. Enterprise Customers

Why is a mobile phone number required for my profile?

Customers on ToolBelt who are looking for work download our app onto their mobile devices. They see projects their crew are qualified to complete and push a button to apply. After that, applicants are encouraged to either call or text hiring managers. 85% of ToolBelt applicants prefer to text.

Texting is a cornerstone to finding success hiring on ToolBelt. Allowing applicants to expediently and proactively reach out to hiring managers elevates the time to hire quality crews. Responding to eager applicants at the speed that they do business helps ensure that they are not hired by other contractors before you have a chance to reach out, begin vetting and ultimately hire as a preferred subcontractor.


Now that you understand the importance of texting ToolBelt applicants, check out how to use text templates to communicate more efficiently and how to adjust notifications on your mobile device to control when you receive texts.